WoW Quest (for Alliance) 一覧

Ahn'Qiraj Equipment Quest List

AQでのQuestによるClass Armor(いわゆるTier3)のまとまった情報がなかなか見つからないので、メンテの間に作ってみました・・・やるんじゃなかった(汗

Sort by Quest Item

   shm  pri  wlk  pal  dru  rog  mag  hun  war
 Bone Scareb  10  10  10  10  10  5  10  15  10
 Bronze Scarab  15  10  10  15  10  10  10  5  10
 Clay Scarab  10  10  15  10  5  15  10  10  5
 Clystal Scarab  10  5  10  10  10  15  10  10  10
 Gold Scarab  10  15  10  10  10  10  10  10  5
 Ivory Scarab  10  10  10  10  10  10  5  10  15
 Silver Scarab  10  15  5  10  10  5  15  10  10
 Stone Scarab  5  5  10  5  15  10  10  10  15

   shm  pri  wlk  pal  dru  rog  mag  hun  war
 Idle of Night      4      2  2    2
 Idlel of War          2  2    2  4
 Idle of the Sun            2  4  2  2
 Idle of Death    4  2        2    2
 Idle of the Sage  4  2  2  4      2    
 Idle of Rebirth  2  2  2  2  4        
 Idle of Life  2  2    2  2      4  
 Idle of Strife  2      2  2  4    2  
 Alabaster Idol          2    2    2
 Amber Idol  2    2  2        2  
 Azure Idol            2  2  2  
 Jasper Idol    2  2    2        
 Lambent Idol    2            2  2
 Obsidian Idol  2  2    2      2    
 Onyx Idol      2      2      2
 Vermillion Idol  2      2  2  2      

   shm  pri  wlk  pal  dru  rog  mag  hun  war
 Qiraji Binding of Dominance  2    2  2  2    2    
 Qiraji Binding of Command    2        2    2  2
 Vek'lor's Diadem  1      1  1  1    1  
 Vek'lor's Circlet    1  1        1    1
 Skin of the Great Sandworm  1    1  1  1      1  
 Ouro's Intace Hide    1        1  1    1
 Husk of the Old God    1  1    1    1    
 Carapace of the Old God  1      1    1    1  1
 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring    1  1      1    1  
 Qiraji Magisterial Ring  1      1  1    1    1
 Qiraji Martial Drape    1        1  1    1
 Qiraji Regal Drape  1    1  1  1      1  
 Qiraji Ornate Hilt    1  1    1    1    
 Qiraji Spiked Hilt  1      1    1    1  1

Sort by Class

 Feet  Footwraps of the Oracle  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idol of Death ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Gold Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Mantle of the Oracle  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idol of Rebirth ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Head  Tiara of the Oracle  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Leg  Trousers of the Oracle  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idol of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Chest  Vestments of the Oracle  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idol of Death ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of Infinite Wisdom  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Back  Shroud of Infinite Wisdom  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Jasper Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Gavel of Infinite Wisdom  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Lambent Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Feet  Deathdealer's Boots  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Deathdealer's Spaulders  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Head  Deathdealer's Helm  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Leg  Deathdealer's Leggings  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Chest  Deathdealer's Vest  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Finger  Band of Veiled Shadows  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Onyx Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of Veiled Shadows  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Azure Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Dagger of Veiled Shadows  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5

 Feet  Striker's Footguards  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Striker's Pauldrons  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Crystal Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Head  Striker's Diadem  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Leg  Striker's Leggings  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Chest  Striker's Hauberk  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Finger  Signet of the Unseen Path  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of the Unseen Path  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Lambent Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Scythe of the Unseen Path  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Azure Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5

 Feet  Doomcaller's Footwraps  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Clay Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Doomcaller's Mantle  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Head  Doomcaller's Circlet  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idle of Death ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Leg  Doomcaller's Trousers  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Chest  Doomcaller's Robes  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of Unspoken Names  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Jasper Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Back  Shroud of Unspoken Names  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Kris of Unspoken Names  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Onyx Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5

 Feet  Avenger's Greaves  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Avenger's Pauldrons  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Head  Avenger's Crown  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Leg  Avenger's Legguards  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Chest  Avenger's Breastplate  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of Eternal Justice  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Back  Cape of Eternal Justice  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Blade of Eternal Justice  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Feet  Stormcaller's Footguards  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Stormcaller's Pauldrons  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Head  Stormcaller's Diadem  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Leg  Stormcaller's Leggings  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Chest  Stormcaller's Hauberk  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of the Gathering Storm  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of the Gathering Storm  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Hammer of the Gathering Storm  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5

 Feet  Enigma Boots  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Enigma Shoulderpads  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Death ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Bronze Scarab ×5
 Head  Enignma Circlet  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Leg  Enigma Leggings  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Chest  Enigma Robes  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Finger  Band of Vaulted Secrets  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Azure Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Back  Drape of Vaulted Secrets  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Alabaster Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Blade of Vaulted Secrets  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5

 Feet  Genesis Boots  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Silver Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Genesis Shoulderpads  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Head  Genesis Helm  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Leg  Genesis Trousers  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Chest  Genesis Vest  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Finger  Band of Unending Life  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Alabaster Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of Unending Life  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Bone Scarab ×5  Silver Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Mace of Unending Life  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Jasper Idol ×2  Crystal Scarab ×5  Stone Scarab ×5

 Feet  Conqueror's Greaves  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Ivory Scarab ×5  Gold Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Conqueror's Spaulders  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Clay Scarab ×5  Stone Scarab ×5
 Head  Conqueror's Crown  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Leg  Conqueror's Legguards  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idle of Death ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Chest  Conqueror's Breastplate  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Finger  Signet of Unyielding Strength  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Lambent Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Back  Drape of Unyielding Strength  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Onyx Idol ×2  Bone Scarab ×5  Silver Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Sickle of Unyielding Strength  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Alabaster Idol ×2  Crystal Scarab ×5  Stone Scarab ×5

・・・なんかEQのSoV Armor思い出しましたよ(笑

※ 追記

T3 Armorの見た目と武器QuestのReward



Raid InstanceのLast Bossを倒すと獲れる、OnyxiaやNefarianの首、Hakkerの心臓を貰うといったい何がどうなるのか、
正直なところ今ひとつ分かってなかったんですが、どうやらそれぞれに褒章として3種類のEpic Itemの中から1つ選べるスタイルは皆共通の様です。

Heart of Hakkar (Quest: The Heart of Hakkar
(Stranglethorn ValeのYojamba IsleにいるMolthorへHeart of Hakkarを届ける)

 Zandalarian Hero Badge

 Zandalarian Hero Charm

 Zandalarian Hero Medallion

・ Head of Onyxia (Quest: Victory for the Alliance
(StormwindのHighlord Bolvar FordragonへHead of Onyxiaを届ける)

 Dragonslayer's Signet
 Onyxia Tooth Pendant

 Onyxia Blood Talisman

Head of Nefarian (Quest: The Lord of Blackrock
(StormwindのHighlord Bolvar FordragonへHead of Nefarianを届ける)

 Master Dragonslayer's Medallion

 Master Dragonslayer's Orb

 Master Dragonslayer's Ring

Head of the Broodlord Lashlayer (Quest: Only One May Rise (Raid)
(SilithusのBaristolth of the Shifting SandsへHead of the Broodlord Lashlayerを届ける)

Pre Quest ・・・ Quest: What Tomorrow Brings (in Silithus)

※2006.5.22 AQ編追記

Head of Ossirian the Unscarred
(Cenarion HoldのCommander Mar'alithに首を届ける)

 Charm of the Shifting Sands

 Amulet of the Shifting Sands

 Choker of the Shifting Sands

 Pendant of the Shifting Sands

Eye of C'Thun
(Temple of Ahn'Qiraj内のCaelastraszにEye of C'Thunを届ける)

 Amulet of the Fallen God

 Cloak of the Fallen God

 Ring of the Fallen God

SilithusのSummoning Quest(?)詳細。

いわゆるSilithusのTwilight Hammerの人を叩いてれば時々落とす

Twilight Cultist Robe

Twilight Cultist Cowl

Twilight Cultist Mantle

なんですが、これらを使って何かをするんだという事は今まで何度かHelpする側になった事があるので分かってたんですが、では実際何するの? と言うのがよく分からなかったので調べてみました(遅


Silithus Quest続行 → WSG(BG初勝利!)。

12日(日)のお話。 23:00前からLogin。


Stormers and Rumblers: Duke Hydraxis(Azshara)からのQuest。 Silithus北西部のEleのSlaught。

Nature's Whisper(Nature Resist +8の首装備)へ至るChain Quest

The Twilight Mystery: ObjectのFlag集め。
 L The Deserter: おつかい。
  L The Twilight Lexicon: 本3冊集め。
   L A Terrible Purpose: おつかい。

どちらもQuest自体はSolo可能。 問題はHordeの邪魔くらいなもんです(笑 後は当該NPCを探すのにちょっと苦労したかな。



Onyxia → Quest: The Calling (Raid)に至るPre Quest進行。

11日(土)のお話。 23:00過ぎからLogin。

RaidはちょうどBWLを終えた辺りで、続いてOnyxia → The Calling Questと流れるとの事だったので、Onyxiaにだけ入れていただいて来ました。


Duke Hydraxis(in Azshara)からのQuest。

今となっては~な感じですが、Molten Core全部を攻略するには、事前にこの一連のQuestを終えた人が最低7名必要との事。
(Duke(水Ele)からAqual Quintessenceなるものが貰え、これはMolten Coreの7個あるRuneに使うことでRuneを消せ、7個消したらMajordomoがPOPする仕組みの様です。

※ Aqual QuintessenceはCharge1。 つまり最低7人分必要且つMC行く前に毎回DukeにRechargeしてもらう必要がある。

Poisoned Water :Eastern PlaguelandsのEleを対象に、貰ったItem使った後に倒してBracer集め。
Stormers and Rumblers :SilithusでSraught。
L Eye of the Emberseer :UBRSのFire EleからのDrop。
 L The Molten Core :Molten CoreでFire Lord、 Molten Giant、Ancient Core Hound、Lava Surgerを各1体ずつSraught。
  L Agent of Hydraxis :Hydraxian WaterlordsのRepをHonoredまで上げて来い。
   L Hands of the Enemy :Bring the Hands of Lucifron, Sulfuron, Gehennas and Shazzrah to Duke Hydraxis in Azshara.
    L A Hero's Reward :

Reward: Ocean's Breeze または Tidal Loop

Priest Epic Quest 4th and 5th Attempt (Cleared !)


Soloで待って頂いてたらしいAlp氏と共に、またも例のPriest Epic Questに挑戦です(苦笑



Benediction (Priest Epic Staff) Quest。

例のThe Eye of Divinityに絡むQuestの件、後必要とされるのは

The Eye of Shadow: 当初はRaid規模のMobをやらないと出ないという話だったと思いますが、今では5manもいればやれそうなMobからもDropする様になってるみたいです。

The Splinter of Nordrassil: Quest: The Balance of Light and ShadowのReward。

Oil of Immolation ×15個程度
Mana & Heal Potion ×それなりに
Felwood産ダイコンとメロン ×それなりに
Demonic Rune(EQで言うところのMana Stoneの使い捨て版) ×適当


上記二つの品に加えて、この日頂いたTrinket「The Eye of Divinity」との3個を合成する事によってEpic Weaponになるらしい。

本来ならDivinityを得るためにRepを上げ、Azsharaの水Eleからの一連のQuestを進める必要があるはずなのですが、一番大変なはずのそこを既存Raid Powerの恩恵に預かりまくって譲り受けた形に・・・3品そろってしまえば他のQuestを受けたり、品物をCombineするのにRepは必要ないのかな?


って事でThe Eye of ShadowのFarmの為のHelperさん熱烈募集中!(汗


Libram Book Quest Series.

先日・・・といっても一月ほど前に行ってきたBRDの金庫で出た「Black Blood of the Tormented」なる代物・・・Burning SteppesでもらえるQuestに必要なItemのひとつでして、コレが必要なQuestのRewardは頭か脚装備に+150Manaを付加出来るという品です。

で、このQuestをくれるらしいNPC: Mathredis Firestarに会いに行く事数度・・・目的のQuestはいつ行っても貰えませんでした・・・てか持ってませんでした(泣


どうやらそのQuestに対応したLibram of ~の名の本(Lv50~60のZoneのMobよりのRare Drop)を持った状態だとQuestが受けられるんだそうです。


Libram Book Quest Series (Mathredis Firestar in Burning Steppes)

Libram of Voracity

Libram of Tenacity

Libram of Resilience

 Libram of Rumination

Libram of Focus 

Libram of Protection

Libram of Rapidity 

Libram of Constitution

Quest Item

Libram of Voracity ×1
(Burning Steppes)

Libram of Tenacity ×1
(Burning Steppes)

Libram of Resilience ×1
(Burning Steppes)

Libram of Rumination ×1
(Burning Steppes)

Libram of Focus ×1
(Dire Maul)
Libram of Protection ×1
(Dire Maul) 

Libram of Rapidity ×1
(Dire Maul) 

Libram of Constitution ×1
(Burning Steppes)

Whipper Root Tuber ×4

Eye of Kajal ×1
BRDDark Cofferより)

Burning Essence ×1
BRDDark Cofferより)

Black Blood of the Tormented ×1
BRDDark Cofferより)

Skin of Shadow ×2 (Scholo) Frayed Abomination Stitching ×1
(Strat BaronのAbo)
Blood of Heroes ×1

Night Dragon's Breath ×4

Crystal Force ×4
Un'GoroEast Clystal Quest

Green ×10 & Blue x10

Crystal Ward ×4
Un'GoroWest Clystal Quest

Green ×10 & Red x10

Crystal Spire ×4
Un'GoroEast Clystal Quest

Yellow ×10 & Blue x10

Gizzard Gum ×1
Blasted LandsQuest

Vulture Gizzard ×10 & Snickerfang Jowl ×2

Large Brilliant Shard ×4 Large Brilliant Shard ×2 Large Brilliant Shard ×2

Lung Juice Cocktail ×1
Blasted LandsQuest

Blasted Boar Lung ×3 & Scorpok Pincer ×2 & Basilisk Brain ×1

Black Diamond ×1

Black Diamond ×1

Black Diamond ×1

Black Diamond ×1

Pristine Black Diamond ×1 Pristine Black Diamond ×1 Pristine Black Diamond ×1

Black Diamond ×1








Lesser Arcanum of Voracity

Lesser Arcanum of Tenacity

Lesser Arcanum of Resilience

Lesser Arcanum of Rumination

Arcanum of Focus Arcanum of Protection

Arcanum of Rapidity

Lesser Arcanum of Constitution

+8 agi
+8 int
+8 spi
+8 str
+8 sta

+125 ACを頭か脚装備に付加

+20 Fire Resistを頭か脚装備に付加

+150 Manaを頭か脚装備に付加

+8 Heal & Dmg from Spellを頭か脚装備に付加  1% Dodgeを頭か脚装備に付加 1% Hasteを頭か脚装備に付加

+100 HPを頭か脚装備に付加



Libram of ResilienceをFire Resist装備としての頭と脚装備にくっつけるとそれだけで+40ですよ?


Un'Goro Crater

Williden's Journal [Level 50]:   - Un'Goro北部までおつかい

Step 1: Gadgetzan Water Survey [Level 46]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser
 Step 2: Noxious Lair Investigation [Level 47]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser - Tanaris中西部でハチの足集め
  Step 3: The Scrimshank Redemption [Level 48]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser - Tanaris南東部で探し物
   Step 4: Insect Part Analysis [Level 48]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser
    Step 5: Insect Part Analysis [Level 48]: Alchemist Pestlezugg
     Step6: Rise of the Silithid [Level 49]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser - Darkshore南部までおつかい
      Step7: March of the Silithid [Level 53]: 
       Step8: Bungle in the Jungle [Level 53]: Alchemist Pestlezugg - Gorishi(Un'Goro南部)からのCollect(Soilはそこらで見つかりそう?)
        Step 9: Pawn Captures Queen [Level 54]: Alchemist Pestlezugg - Un'Goro南部のゴリ女王の脳みそ
         Step 10: Calm Before the Storm [Level 54]: Alchemist Pestlezugg - Darnassusへおつかい
          Step 11: Calm Before the Storm [Level 54]: 

Roll the Bones [Level 51]: Spark Nilminer(Un'goro北部) - Un'Goro南西部で拾い物

Shizzle's Flyer [Level 51]: Shizzle(Un'goro北部) - 恐竜からウロコのCollect

Super Sticky [Level 54]: Tran'rek - Tar(Un'Goro北部)からCollect

Step 1: Muigin and Larion [Level 52]: Muigin(Un'goro北部) - Bloodpetal ~(Un'Goro北東部)からのCollect
 Step 2: A Visit to Gregan [Level 52]: Muigin(Un'goro北部) - Feralas北部までおつかい
  Step 3: Haze of Evil(Sunken Temple)  [Level 52]: Gregan Brewspewer(Feralas) - ST内でCollect
   Step 4: Bloodpetal Sprouts  [Level 53]: Muigin

Step 1: It's a Secret to Everybody [Level 52]: A Wrecked Raft(Un'Goro南東部)
 Step 2: It's a Secret to Everybody [Level 52]: A Small Pack(Un'Goro南東部) - Large Compass、Curled Map Parchment、Lion-headed Key(A Small Packに入ってる?)
  Step 3: It's a Secret to Everybody [Level 52]: Linken(Un'Goro北部) - Winterspling入口付近までおつかい
   Step 4: The Videre Elixir [Level 52]: Donova Snowden(Winterspling入口) - Gregan Brewspewer(Feralas FriendlyなGnollのとこ 45,11)まで
    Step 5: Meet at the Grave [Level 52]: Donova Snowden(Winterspling入口) - Tanarisの墓地までおつかい
     Step 6: A Grave Situation [Level 52]: Gaeriyan(Tanaris墓地) - 墓石へ剣を返す?
      Step 7: Linken's Sword [Level 52]: A Conspicuous Gravestone - Linken(Un'Goroまでおつかい)
       Step 8: A Gnome's Assistance [Level 52]: Linken - J.D. Collieを探せ(近くのCave?)
        Step 9: Linken's Memory [Level 54]: J.D. Collie - Eridan Bluewind(Felwood南部)を探せ
         Step 10: Silver Heart [Level 54]: Eridan Bluewind - Silvery Claws、Irontree Heartを取って来い
          Step 11: Aquementas [Level 54] Eridan Bluewind - 
           Step 12: Linken's Adventure [Level 54]: J.D. Collie - Linkenまでおつかい
            Step 13: It's Dangerous to Go Alone [Level 56]: Linken - Fire Plume Ridge, south of Marshal's Refuge.

Alien Ecology [Level 52]: Hol'anyee Marshal

Step 1: The Fare of Lar'korwi [Level 53]: Torwa Pathfinder - carcass of Lar'korwi's freshestを倒してPiece of Threshadon Carcassを取ってくる。
 Step 2: The Scent of Lar'korwi [Level 53]: Torwa Pathfinder - Ravasaur Pheromone Glandを2個持っていく
  Step 3: The Bait for Lar'korwi [Level 56]: Torwa Pathfinder -  Lar'korwiを呼び出して倒せ

Step 1: Chasing A-Me 01 [Level 53]: Karna Remtravel - A-Me 01を探せ
 Step 2: Chasing A-Me 01 [Level 53]: A-Me 01 - Mithril Casingを持って来て
  Step 3: Chasing A-Me 01 [Level 53]: A-Me 01 - A-Me 01をEscort

Expedition Salvation [Level 53]: Williden Marshal - Crate of FoodstuffsとResearch Equipmentを取ってくる

Step 1: Crystals of Power [Level 53]: J.D. Collie - Un'Goro全土に見られる4種の石集め
 Step 2: Making Sense of It [Level 53]: J.D. Collie(Un'Goro北部)

Step 1: Finding the Source [Level 55]: Krakle - Fire Plume Ridgeを探せ
 Step 2: The New Springs [Level 55]: Krakle - Winterspringまでおつかい
  Step 3: Strange Sources [Level 56]

Step 1: Lost! [Level 55]: Spraggle Frock -  Spraggle Frock(Un'Goro内おつかい) 
 Step 2: A Little Help From My Friends [Level 55]: Ringo - Escort 

Beware of Pterrordax [Level 55]: Beware of Pterrordax - Collect?

Step 1: The Apes of Un'Goro [Level 55]: Torwa Pathfinder - 3種の皮集め
 Step 2: The Mighty U'cha [Level 55]: Torwa Pathfinder - U'cha's Pelt取って来い

Volcanic Activity [Level 55]: Torwa Pathfinder - Un'Goro AshのCollect

Dadanga is Hungry! [Level 55]: Dadanga

※ 12/1修正。







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