Temple of Ahn'Qiraj 一覧

AQ40・・・RegaliaとArmaments Quest。


AQ40の各Bossが時々落とすImperial Qiraji Regaliaと、Imperial Qiraji Armamentsの2種がありまして、Caster、Healer用としては前者になります。

Quest: Imperial Qiraji Regalia (Raid):
  Imperial Qiraji Regalia ×1
  Elementium Ore ×3

 Blessed Qiraji Acolyte Staff

 Blessed Qiraji Augur Staff

 Blessed Qiraji War Hammer

Quest: Imperial Qiraji Armaments (Raid):
  Imperial Qiraji Armaments ×1
  Elementium Ore ×3

 Blessed Qiraji War Axe

 Blessed Qiraji Musket

 Blessed Qiraji Pugio

Ahn'Qiraj Equipment Quest List

AQでのQuestによるClass Armor(いわゆるTier3)のまとまった情報がなかなか見つからないので、メンテの間に作ってみました・・・やるんじゃなかった(汗

Sort by Quest Item

   shm  pri  wlk  pal  dru  rog  mag  hun  war
 Bone Scareb  10  10  10  10  10  5  10  15  10
 Bronze Scarab  15  10  10  15  10  10  10  5  10
 Clay Scarab  10  10  15  10  5  15  10  10  5
 Clystal Scarab  10  5  10  10  10  15  10  10  10
 Gold Scarab  10  15  10  10  10  10  10  10  5
 Ivory Scarab  10  10  10  10  10  10  5  10  15
 Silver Scarab  10  15  5  10  10  5  15  10  10
 Stone Scarab  5  5  10  5  15  10  10  10  15

   shm  pri  wlk  pal  dru  rog  mag  hun  war
 Idle of Night      4      2  2    2
 Idlel of War          2  2    2  4
 Idle of the Sun            2  4  2  2
 Idle of Death    4  2        2    2
 Idle of the Sage  4  2  2  4      2    
 Idle of Rebirth  2  2  2  2  4        
 Idle of Life  2  2    2  2      4  
 Idle of Strife  2      2  2  4    2  
 Alabaster Idol          2    2    2
 Amber Idol  2    2  2        2  
 Azure Idol            2  2  2  
 Jasper Idol    2  2    2        
 Lambent Idol    2            2  2
 Obsidian Idol  2  2    2      2    
 Onyx Idol      2      2      2
 Vermillion Idol  2      2  2  2      

   shm  pri  wlk  pal  dru  rog  mag  hun  war
 Qiraji Binding of Dominance  2    2  2  2    2    
 Qiraji Binding of Command    2        2    2  2
 Vek'lor's Diadem  1      1  1  1    1  
 Vek'lor's Circlet    1  1        1    1
 Skin of the Great Sandworm  1    1  1  1      1  
 Ouro's Intace Hide    1        1  1    1
 Husk of the Old God    1  1    1    1    
 Carapace of the Old God  1      1    1    1  1
 Qiraji Ceremonial Ring    1  1      1    1  
 Qiraji Magisterial Ring  1      1  1    1    1
 Qiraji Martial Drape    1        1  1    1
 Qiraji Regal Drape  1    1  1  1      1  
 Qiraji Ornate Hilt    1  1    1    1    
 Qiraji Spiked Hilt  1      1    1    1  1

Sort by Class

 Feet  Footwraps of the Oracle  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idol of Death ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Gold Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Mantle of the Oracle  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idol of Rebirth ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Head  Tiara of the Oracle  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Leg  Trousers of the Oracle  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idol of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Chest  Vestments of the Oracle  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idol of Death ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of Infinite Wisdom  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Back  Shroud of Infinite Wisdom  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Jasper Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Gavel of Infinite Wisdom  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Lambent Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Feet  Deathdealer's Boots  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Deathdealer's Spaulders  Qiraji Bindings of Command ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Head  Deathdealer's Helm  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Leg  Deathdealer's Leggings  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Chest  Deathdealer's Vest  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Finger  Band of Veiled Shadows  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Onyx Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of Veiled Shadows  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Azure Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Dagger of Veiled Shadows  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5

 Feet  Striker's Footguards  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Striker's Pauldrons  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Crystal Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Head  Striker's Diadem  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Leg  Striker's Leggings  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Chest  Striker's Hauberk  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Finger  Signet of the Unseen Path  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of the Unseen Path  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Lambent Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Scythe of the Unseen Path  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Azure Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5

 Feet  Doomcaller's Footwraps  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Clay Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Doomcaller's Mantle  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Head  Doomcaller's Circlet  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idle of Death ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Leg  Doomcaller's Trousers  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Chest  Doomcaller's Robes  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of Unspoken Names  Qiraji Ceremonial Ring ×1  Jasper Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Back  Shroud of Unspoken Names  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Kris of Unspoken Names  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Onyx Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5

 Feet  Avenger's Greaves  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Avenger's Pauldrons  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Head  Avenger's Crown  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Leg  Avenger's Legguards  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Chest  Avenger's Breastplate  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of Eternal Justice  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Back  Cape of Eternal Justice  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Blade of Eternal Justice  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Feet  Stormcaller's Footguards  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Stormcaller's Pauldrons  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Head  Stormcaller's Diadem  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Leg  Stormcaller's Leggings  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Chest  Stormcaller's Hauberk  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Finger  Ring of the Gathering Storm  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of the Gathering Storm  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Hammer of the Gathering Storm  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Amber Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5

 Feet  Enigma Boots  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Enigma Shoulderpads  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Death ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Bronze Scarab ×5
 Head  Enignma Circlet  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Leg  Enigma Leggings  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idol of the Sage ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Chest  Enigma Robes  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Finger  Band of Vaulted Secrets  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Azure Idol ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Back  Drape of Vaulted Secrets  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Alabaster Idol ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Blade of Vaulted Secrets  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Obsidian Idol ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5

 Feet  Genesis Boots  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Silver Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Genesis Shoulderpads  Qiraji Binding of Dominance ×1  Idle of Strife ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Head  Genesis Helm  Vek'lor's Diadem ×1  Idle of Life ×2  Gold Scarab ×5  Clay Scarab ×5
 Leg  Genesis Trousers  Skin of the Great Sandworm ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Chest  Genesis Vest  Husk of the Old God ×1  Idle of Rebirth ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Finger  Band of Unending Life  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Alabaster Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Back  Cloak of Unending Life  Qiraji Regal Drape ×1  Vermillion Idol ×2  Bone Scarab ×5  Silver Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Mace of Unending Life  Qiraji Ornate Hilt ×1  Jasper Idol ×2  Crystal Scarab ×5  Stone Scarab ×5

 Feet  Conqueror's Greaves  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Ivory Scarab ×5  Gold Scarab ×5
 Shoulder  Conqueror's Spaulders  Qiraji Binding of Command ×1  Idle of Night ×2  Clay Scarab ×5  Stone Scarab ×5
 Head  Conqueror's Crown  Vek'nilash's Circlet ×1  Idle of the Sun ×2  Stone Scarab ×5  Crystal Scarab ×5
 Leg  Conqueror's Legguards  Ouro's Intact Hide ×1  Idle of Death ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Chest  Conqueror's Breastplate  Carapace of the Old God ×1  Idlel of War ×2  Silver Scarab ×5  Bone Scarab ×5
 Finger  Signet of Unyielding Strength  Qiraji Magisterial Ring ×1  Lambent Idol ×2  Bronze Scarab ×5  Ivory Scarab ×5
 Back  Drape of Unyielding Strength  Qiraji Martial Drape ×1  Onyx Idol ×2  Bone Scarab ×5  Silver Scarab ×5
 Main Hand  Sickle of Unyielding Strength  Qiraji Spiked Hilt ×1  Alabaster Idol ×2  Crystal Scarab ×5  Stone Scarab ×5

・・・なんかEQのSoV Armor思い出しましたよ(笑

※ 追記

T3 Armorの見た目と武器QuestのReward








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  81. 2006年1月 [28]
  82. 2005年12月 [22]
  83. 2005年11月 [35]
  84. 2005年10月 [35]
  85. 2005年9月 [18]
  86. 2005年8月 [15]
  87. 2005年7月 [27]
  88. 2005年6月 [43]
  89. 2005年5月 [39]
  90. 2005年4月 [42]
  91. 2005年3月 [38]
  92. 2005年2月 [40]
  93. 2005年1月 [3]
  94. 2000年5月 [5]




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