2007年8月のエントリー 一覧


  • 更新日:
  • Movable Type

しばらくエントリーの更新がなかったのは、裏でそういうのをごにょごにょしてたからだったりします・・・何度もTry & Errでしたし元々そんなに時間も割けない状況だったので予想してたよりちょっと日数が掛かり過ぎてしまいました。
もうちょっとすんなり出来る予定だったんですが laughing


外部からはWoW AddOnのアーカイブのみが注目されてる状況で、個々のエントリーへのリンクそのものがシステム的に今までのものとすり返られてしまう事にはそれ程問題はないだろうと判断しての事です。
まあ個々のエントリーでの情報そのものが割と比重の軽いものばかりだったと言うのが功を奏したという事でしょうか tongue-out


そんなこんなでコンゴトモヨロシクって事で wink

うちの使用AddOn更新List (2007.8.28現在)

  • 更新日:
  • WoW AddOn

全 使用AddOn Listはこちら

[ 使用中 ](アルファベット順)
※ Atlasのプラグインとしてではなく、単独ででも動くのでスタンド・アローンで復帰。
※※ 最近まではace.comから取得してましたが、そちらの最新版は不具合を抱えてる様なので敢えてこちらを。



[ 使用中 (Ace系)](アルファベット順)
インストール済みのAddOnの使用をIn Gameで変更できるAddOn。 同様のAddOn、MCPのAce版。

Command: /arkinv
※ Item全般をカテゴリー毎に自動分類してくれるのはかなり便利。 ただし動作は重め。

※ 本来はAce系AddOnですが、ace.comにおいてある最新版は不具合を抱えてる様なので敢えてこちらを。


Chat Log保存に関する高機能AddOn。
Command: /clog 



sct (ScrollingCombatText)
FF調(?) Char上にDmgやHeal量をスクロール表示。 4種で1セット。
Command: /sct

Movable Type 4.0の使用に向けて

  • 更新日:
  • Movable Type





※ ただこの問題はMT4になって、ログのエクスポート時にベースネームとタグも出力される様になっており、解消される事となりました。
詳しくはMovable Type 4 におけるインポート・エクスポート機能の改善(小粋空間)を参考にしてみてください。



1. データベースはMT3運用時のものをそのまま引越し
2. テンプレートはMT4対応のものを使用
3. MT4対応のテンプレートで出力する形式(アーカイブマッピング)を、MT3運用時のものと同型に変更する



  • 更新日:
  • Movable Type



・エントリーとコメントで絵文字を使えるようにするプラグイン(MT4専用版・その1)(The blog of H.Fujimoto)





ある日いきなり気が変わって4.0になる可能性は否定しませんが 笑う


  • 更新日:
  • WoW Tips


参照:公式サイトのCommand List

Chat Command Glossary


/#(aliases '/c' and '/csay') - Send a message to channel #.
/?(aliases '/h' and '/help') - Display some basic commands and hotkeys.
/a [allied target](alias '/assist') - Attack what an allied target is attacking. If no target is specified, assist your current target.
/afk [message]- Set your Away From Keyboard flag. If a message is specified, it will be sent as a reply to all private messages received.
/ann (alias '/announce')- Toggle join/leave announcements on a custom channel. MODERATOR ONLY.
/announce (alias '/ann')- Toggle join/leave announcements on a custom channel. MODERATOR ONLY.
/assist [allied target](alias '/a') - Attack what an allied target is attacking. If no target is specified, assist your current target.
/ban <channel name/number> [allied player](opposite command '/unban') - Ban an allied player from a custom channel. If no player is specified, ban your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/c <#> <message>(aliases '/#' and '/csay') - Send a message to channel #.
/camp(alias '/logout') - Logout to the character selection screen. A twenty second countdown and 'cancel' button are provided if you are not in an inn or major city, such as Stormwind City or Orgrimmar.
/chan <channel name> [password](aliases '/channel' and '/join') - Join a channel. Only custom channels can have passwords, but they are not password-protected by default. The channel owner can set a password.
/channel <channel name> [password](aliases '/chan' and '/join') - Join a channel. Only custom channels can have passwords, but they are not password-protected by default. The channel owner can set a password.
/chat(alias '/chathelp') - Display some basic chat commands.
/chatexit<channel name/number> (aliases '/chatleave' and '/leave') - Leave a channel.
/chathelp(alias '/chat') - Display some basic chat commands.
/chatinfo [channel name/number](aliases '/chatlist' and '/chatwho') - List server and custom channels of which you are a member. If a channel name/number is specified, channel members are listed. The channel owner is marked by a star (*), moderators with an 'at symbol' (@) and individuals without speech permissions with a pound sign (#).
/chatinvite <channel name/number> [allied player](alias '/cinvite') - Invite an allied player to a channel. If no player is specified, invite your current target.
/chatleave <channel name/number>(aliases '/chatexit' and '/leave') - Leave a channel.
/chatlist [channel name/number](aliases '/chatinfo' and '/chatwho') - List server and custom channels of which you are a member. If a channel name/number is specified, channel members are listed. The channel owner is marked by a star (*), moderators with an 'at symbol' (@) and individuals without speech permissions with a pound sign (#).
/chatlog- Turn chat logging on/off.
/chatwho [channel name/number](aliases '/chatinfo' and '/chatlist') - List server and custom channels of which you are a member. If a channel name/number is specified, channel members are listed. The channel owner is marked by a star (*), moderators with an 'at symbol' (@) and individuals without speech permissions with a pound sign (#).
/cinvite <channel name/number>[allied player] (alias '/chatinvite') - Invite an allied player to a channel. If no player is specified, invite your current target.
/ckick <channel name/number>[allied player] - Kick an allied player out of a custom channel. If no player is specified, kick your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/combatlog- Turn combat logging on/off.
/concede(aliases '/forfeit' and '/yield') - Concede a duel.
/csay <#> <message>(aliases '/#' and '/c') - Send a message to channel #.
/dnd [message]- Set your Do Not Disturb flag. If a message is specified, it will be sent as a reply to all private messages received.
/duel [player]- Challenge a player to a duel. If no player is specified, challenge your current target.
/em <message>(aliases '/emote' and '/me') - Send an emote to players near you. Custom emotes cannot be seen by the opposing faction.
/emote <message>(aliases '/em' and '/me') - Send an emote to players near you. Custom emotes cannot be seen by the opposing faction.
/exit(alias '/quit') - Exit the game. A twenty second countdown, a 'cancel' button and an 'exit now' button are provided if you are not in an inn or major city, such as Stormwind City or Orgrimmar.
/f [allied player](aliases '/fol' and '/follow') - Follow an allied player. If no player is specified, follow your current target.
/ffa(related commands '/master' and '/roundrobin') - Change Loot to Free for all. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/fol [allied player](aliases '/f' and '/follow') - Follow an allied player. If no player is specified, follow your current target.
/follow [allied player](aliases '/f' and '/fol') - Follow an allied player. If no player is specified, follow your current target.
/forfeit(aliases '/concede' and '/yield') - Concede a duel.
/friend [allied player](alias '/friends') - Add an allied player to your friends list. If no player is specified, add your current target.
/friends [allied player](alias '/friend') - Add a player to your friends list. If no player is specified, add your current target.
/g <message>(alias '/guild') - Send a message to the guild channel.
/gdemote [guild member](alias '/guilddemote') - Demote a player to the next lowest guild rank. If no member is specified, demote your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/gdisband(alias '/guilddisband') - Disband a guild. GUILD MASTER ONLY.
/ginfo(alias '/guildinfo') - Display guild creation date, number of players and number of accounts.
/ginvite [allied player](alias '/guildinvite') - Invite an allied player to your guild. If no player is specified, invite your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/gleader [guild member](alias '/guildleader') - Promote a guild member to Guild Master. If no player is specified, promote your current target. GUILD MASTER ONLY.
/gmotd <message>(alias '/guildmotd') - Set the message that all guild members see upon login. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/gpromote [guild member](alias '/guildpromote') - Promote a player to the next highest guild rank. If no member is specified, promote your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/gquit(alias '/guildquit') - Leave a guild.
/gremove [guild member](alias '/guildremove') - Remove a player from your guild. If no player is specified, remove your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/groster(alias '/guildroster') - Open the guild pane of the social window.
/guild <message>(alias '/g') - Send a message to the guild channel.
/guilddemote [guild member](alias '/gdemote') - Demote a player to the next lowest guild rank. If no member is specified, demote your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/guilddisband(alias '/gdisband') - Disband a guild. GUILD MASTER ONLY.
/guildinfo(alias '/ginfo') - Display guild creation date, number of players and number of accounts.
/guildinvite [allied player](alias '/ginvite') - Invite an allied player to your guild. If no player is specified, invite your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/guildleader [guild member](alias '/gleader') - Promote a guild member to Guild Master. If no player is specified, promote your current target. GUILD MASTER ONLY.
/guildmotd <message>(alias '/gmotd') - Set the message that all guild members see upon login. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/guildpromote [guild member](alias '/gpromote') - Promote a player to the next highest guild rank. If no member is specified, promote your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/guildquit(alias '/gquit') - Leave a guild.
/guildremove [guild member](alias '/gremove') - Remove a player from your guild. If no player is specified, remove your current target. GUILD MASTER AND OFFICERS ONLY.
/guildroster(alias '/groster') - Open the guild pane of the social window.
/h(aliases '/?' and '/help') - Display some basic commands and hotkeys.
/help(aliases '/?' and '/h') - Display some basic commands and hotkeys.
/i [allied player](aliases '/inv' and '/invite') - Invite an allied player to a party/raid. If no player is specified, invite your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/ignore [allied player](opposite command '/unignore') - Add an allied player to your ignore list. If no player is specified, add your current target.
/ins [allied player](alias '/inspect') - Inspect an allied player. If no player is specified, inspect your current target.
/inspect [allied player](alias '/ins') - Inspect an allied player. If no player is specified, inspect your current target.
/inv [allied player](aliases '/i' and '/invite') - Invite an allied player to a party/raid. If no player is specified, invite your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/invite [allied player](aliases '/i' and '/inv') - Invite an allied player to a party/raid. If no player is specified, invite your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/join <channel name> [password](aliases '/chan' and '/channel') - Join a channel. Only custom channels can have passwords, but they are not password-protected by default. The channel owner can set a password.
/kick [party/raid member](aliases '/u', '/un' and '/uninvite') - Remove a party/raid member from the group. If no player is specified, remove your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/kneel [target](emote) (opposite command '/stand') - Your character kneels, or kneels before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while kneeling.
/lay [target](emote) (aliases '/laydown', '/lie' and '/liedown') (opposite command '/stand') - Your character lies down, or lies down before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while lying down.
/laydown [target](emote) (aliases '/lay', '/lie' and '/liedown') (opposite command '/stand') - Your character lies down, or lies down before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while lying down.
/leave <channel name/number>(aliases '/chatexit' and '/chatleave') - Leave a channel.
/lie [target](emote) (aliases '/lay', '/laydown' and '/liedown') (opposite command '/stand') - Your character lies down, or lies down before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while lying down.
/liedown [target](emote) (aliases '/lay', '/laydown' and '/lie') (opposite command '/stand') - Your character lies down, or lies down before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while lying down.
/logout(alias'/camp') - Logout to the character selection screen. A twenty second countdown and 'cancel' button are provided if you are not in an inn or major city, such as Stormwind City or Orgrimmar.
/m(alias '/macro') - Opens the Create Macros window.
/macro(alias '/m') - Opens the Create Macros window.
/macrohelp- Display a basic explanation of macro creation.
/master [party member](related commands '/ffa' and '/roundrobin') - Change Loot to Master looter, and the specified player to the master looter. If no player is specified, the currently targeted player becomes master looter. If no player is specified or targeted, you become master looter. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/me <message>(aliases '/em' and '/emote') - Send an emote to players near you. Custom emotes cannot be seen by the opposing faction.
/mod <channel>[channel member] (alias '/moderator') (opposite commands '/unmod' and '/unmoderator') - Flag a channel member as a moderator of a custom channel. If no player is specified, flag your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/moderate- Turn a custom channel's moderation on/off. OWNER ONLY.
/moderator <channel> [channel member](alias '/mod') (opposite commands '/unmod' and '/unmoderator') - Flag a channel member as a moderator of a custom channel. If no player is specified, flag your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/mute >channel< [channel member](aliases '/squelch' and '/unvoice') (Opposite commands '/unmute', '/unsquelch' and '/voice') - Prevent a channel member from speaking in a custom channel. If no player is specified, mute your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/o <message>- Send a message to the guild officer channel.
/owner <channel> [player]- Change (OWNER ONLY) or display channel owner.
/p <message>(alias '/party') - Send a message to the party channel.
/party <message>(alias '/p') - Send a message to the party channel.
/pass <channel> [password](alias '/password') - Change channel password. If a new password is not specified, the previous password is still removed. MODERATOR ONLY.
/password <channel> [password](alias '/pass') - Change channel password. If a new password is not specified, the previous password is still removed. MODERATOR ONLY.
/played- Display the amount of time the character has been played, and the amount of time the character has been played at their current level.
/pr [party/raid member](alias '/promote') - Promote a party/raid member to leader. If no player is specified, promote your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/promote [party/raid member](alias '/pr') - Promote a party/raid member to leader. If no player is specified, promote your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/pvp- Turn on your PvP flag, or set it to expire in five minutes. Any PvP activity, unwanted or not, will reset the timer to five minutes.
/quit(alias '/exit') - Exit the game. A twenty second countdown, a 'cancel' button and an 'exit now' button are provided if you are not in an inn or major city, such as Stormwind City or Orgrimmar.
/r <message>(alias '/reply') - Reply to the last private message. You can scroll through all the people that sent you private messages recently by pressing the tab key.
/ra <message>(alias '/raid') - Send a message to the raid channel.
/raid <message>(alias '/ra') - Send a message to the raid channel.
/raidinfo- Display all instances to which you are saved, and their reset timers.
/rand [X] [Y](aliases '/random', '/rnd' and '/roll') - Generates a random number between X and Y. If Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. If neither is entered, it will generate a number between 1 and 100. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource. Using /rand will send the text to your party or raid wherever they are instead of the local area around the player that used /rand.
/random [X] [Y](aliases '/rand', '/rnd' and '/roll') - Generates a random number between X and Y. If Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. If neither is entered, it will generate a number between 1 and 100. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource. Using /random will send the text to your party or raid wherever they are instead of the local area around the player that used /random.
/remfriend [player](alias '/removefriend') - Remove a player from your friends list. If no player is specified, remove your current target.
/removefriend [player](alias '/remfriend') - Remove a player from your friends list. If no player is specified, remove your current target.
/reply <message>(alias '/r') - Reply to the last private message. You can scroll through all the people that sent you private messages recently by pressing the tab key.
/rnd [X] [Y](aliases '/rand', '/random' and '/roll') - Generates a random number between X and Y. If Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. If neither is entered, it will generate a number between 1 and 100. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource. Using /rnd will send the text to your party or raid wherever they are instead of the local area around the player that used /rnd.
/roll [X] [Y](aliases '/rand', '/random' and '/rnd') - Generates a random number between X and Y. If Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. If neither is entered, it will generate a number between 1 and 100. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource. Using /roll will send the text to your party or raid wherever they are instead of the local area around the player that used /roll.
/roundrobin(related commands '/ffa' and '/master') - Set Loot to Round robin. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/run <script>(alias '/script') - Run a script.
/s <message>(alias '/say') - Send a message to players near you.
/say <message>(alias '/s') - Send a message to players near you.
/script <script>(alias '/run') - Run a script.
/send <allied player> <message>(aliases '/t', '/tell', '/w' and '/whisper') - Send a message to an allied player.
/sit [target](emote) (opposite command '/stand') - Your character sits, or sits before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while sitting.
/sleep [target](emote) (aliases '/lay', '/laydown' and '/lie') (opposite command '/stand') - Your character lies down, or lies down before the target. Moving your character in any direction will cause them to stand. Many commands and spells cannot be used while lying down.
/squelch <channel> [channel member](aliases '/mute' and '/unvoice') (Opposite commands '/unmute', '/unsquelch' and '/voice') - Prevent a channel member from speaking in a custom channel. If no player is specified, squelch your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/stand(emote) (opposite commands '/kneel', '/lay', '/laydown', '/lie', '/liedown', '/sit' and '/sleep') - You stand. MUST BE KNEELING, LYING DOWN OR SITTING.
/t <allied player> <message>(aliases '/send', '/tell', '/w' and '/whisper') - Send a message to an allied player.
/tar <any characters>(alias '/target') - Target the nearest Character, NPC or mob whose name starts with the specified characters.
/target <any characters>(alias '/tar') - Target the nearest Character, NPC or creature whose name starts with the specified characters.
/tell <allied player> <message>(aliases '/send', '/t', '/w' and '/whisper') - Send a message to an allied player.
/time- Display your local time.
/tr [allied player](alias '/trade') - Open a trade window with an allied player. If no player is specified, trade with your current target.
/trade [allied player](alias '/tr') - Open a trade window with an allied player. If no player is specified, trade with your current target.
/u [party/raid member](aliases '/kick', '/un' and '/uninvite') - Remove a party/raid member from the group. If no player is specified, remove your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/un [party/raid member](aliases '/kick', '/u' and '/uninvite') - Remove a party/raid member from the group. If no player is specified, remove your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/unban <channel name/number> [allied player](opposite command '/ban') - Unban an allied player from a custom channel. If no player is specified, ban your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/unignore [player](opposite command '/ignore') - Remove a player from your ignore list. If no player is specified, remove your current target.
/uninvite [party/raid member](aliases '/kick', '/u' and '/un') - Remove a party/raid member from the group. If no player is specified, remove your current target. PARTY/RAID LEADER ONLY.
/unmod <channel> [channel moderator](alias '/unmoderator') (opposite commands '/mod' and '/moderator') - Remove a moderator flag from a channel member. If no player is specified, unflag your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/unmoderator <channel> [channel moderator](alias '/unmod') (opposite commands '/mod' and '/moderator') - Remove a moderator flag from a channel member. If no player is specified, unflag your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/unmute <channel> [channel member](aliases '/unsquelch' and '/voice') (Opposite commands '/mute', '/squelch' and '/unvoice') - Permit a channel member to speak in a channel. MODERATOR ONLY.
/unsquelch <channel> [channel member](aliases '/unmute' and '/voice') (Opposite commands '/mute', '/squelch' and '/unvoice') - Permit a channel member to speak in a channel. MODERATOR ONLY.
/unvoice <channel> [channel member](aliases '/mute' and '/squelch') (Opposite commands '/unmute', '/unsquelch' and '/voice') - Prevent a channel member from speaking in a custom channel. If no player is specified, unvoice your current target. MODERATOR ONLY.
/voice <channel> [channel member](aliases '/unmute' and '/unsquelch') (Opposite commands '/mute', '/squelch' and '/unvoice') - Permit a channel member to speak in a channel. MODERATOR ONLY.
/w <allied player> <message>(aliases '/send', '/t', '/tell' and '/whisper') - Send a message to an allied player.
/whisper <allied player> <message>(aliases '/send', '/t', '/tell' and '/w') - Send a message to an allied player.
/who [n-"name"]1[g-"guildname"]1[z-"zone"] [c-"class"] [r-"race"] [#or#-#]2- Search for allied players who are online and have the specified attribute(s). If no attributes are specified, players in your zone within three levels of your level are shown. If there is more than one match, the Who pane of the Social window opens to display the results.
1The name and guildname attributes can each be as few as three characters. All players with the specified characters anywhere in their name or guildname are shown. You can use either or both attributes, and specify the same or different values for each.2This attribute allows you to search for players of a specific level, or within a level range.
/y <message>(alias '/yell') - Yell broadcasts a message to players in a very large area around your character.
/yell <message>(alias '/y') - Yell broadcasts a message to players in a very large area around your character.
/yield(aliases '/concede' and '/forfeit') - Concede a duel.

「Show Target Damage」と「Show Healing」設定の謎の解

  • 更新日:
  • WoW Tips


sctの設定項目に「Disable WoW Healing」、sctdのには「Disable WoW Damage」と言うのがありまして、これにチェックが入っていたというオチでした・・・ずっと昔に設定したきりいじってなかったのですぐに思い出せませんでした 照れる


うちの使用AddOn更新List (2007.8.17現在)

  • 更新日:
  • WoW AddOn

特にうちではCartographerプラグイン系の一部が上手く動いてません。 Decursiveも怪しいので最新にはしてません。


全 使用AddOn Listはこちら

[WUU未対応AddOn ]
Chatinfo1.0.6 / FuBar_ChatinfoFuVer.Up!
Titan Panelで現在Join中のChat Channelとその参加人数を表示。

[ 試用開始、試用中 ](アルファベット順)


※ 同等機能AddOn「MobileFrames」はsimpleMinimapと競合してしまうのでこちらに

※ 昔使ってました。 Cartographerの同等機能が最近になって動作不安定なのでこちらに出戻り。
Command: /notes

qAH ImprovedNew!
Auction Hallでの出品物の単価を表示。 Auctioneerとの併用可能。

RecipeKnown v0.110New!

MobMap UpDater

  • 更新日:
  • WoW AddOn





うちの使用AddOn更新List (2007.8.11現在)

  • 更新日:
  • WoW AddOn

それとAutoBarがいつの間にかaceのAddOn Listから抜け落ちてますね。

全 使用AddOn Listはこちら

[WUU未対応AddOn ]
TTell v2.1.2  Ver.Up!
Command: /tt (msg)、 /tthelp

[ 試用開始、試用中 ](アルファベット順)
ArcHUD2 New! 
以前使ってたのとほぼ同等っぽく。 再度導入試用。
FuBar_FriendsFu New!
FuBarプラグイン。 Friend ListをFuBar上で表示。

ゲーム内で見られるQuest、売り子、Profession Recipeのデータベース。
特にQuestに関するNPCやMobに関してはMapによる位置情報まで網羅されてます(Mini Map含む)。 Command: /mobmap show

RatingBuster New!
Item ToolTip内の表示を具体的な実行値に変換表示。

SorrenTimers New!

[ 使用中 ](アルファベット順)
※ Atlasのプラグインとしてではなく、単独ででも動くのでスタンド・アローンで復帰。
※※ 最近まではace.comから取得してましたが、そちらの最新版は不具合を抱えてる様なので敢えてこちらを。

※ 本来はAce系AddOnですが、ace.comにおいてある最新版は不具合を抱えてる様なので敢えてこちらを。

Command: /ca
※ 個人的にはかな表示は不要ですので使ってません。

Command: /wu

[ 使用中 (Ace系)](アルファベット順)
インストール済みのAddOnの使用をIn Gameで変更できるAddOn。 同様のAddOn、MCPのAce版。


Command: /arkinv
※ Item全般をカテゴリー毎に自動分類してくれるのはかなり便利。 ただし動作は重め。


Chat Log保存に関する高機能AddOn。
Command: /clog

Command: /dcr
※ 2.0以降はAceで記述されたそうですので、こちらへ出戻り。

より見やすいSpell Tips窓と、Action BarのSpell Icon上に実行値を表示(TheoryCraftのAceな軽量版・・・だそうで)。

※ TitanのAce版・・・もう言わずもがな。


sct (ScrollingCombatText)
FF調(?) Char上にDmgやHeal量をスクロール表示。 4種で1セット。
Command: /sct

Tifoneさんのところで紹介されていたCombat Logの視覚効果変更AddOn。

Mini MapのSkinや形状変更、Scale調整やマウス・ホイールでの拡大縮小など、多岐に渡ったMiniMap機能。
Command: /smm


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で、操作勘を取り戻す為に気分的に辛かった例のDaily Quest群をざっとおさらいしてみる事にしたんですが、さすがに私がしばらくお休みする前の頃に比べたらSkettisもOgre村も人が減りましたね。



その後も一通り今の自分が請けられるDaily Questをやってから落ちました。







  1. 2014年7月 [1]
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  90. 2005年4月 [42]
  91. 2005年3月 [38]
  92. 2005年2月 [40]
  93. 2005年1月 [3]
  94. 2000年5月 [5]




chapa_moonの名前でほそぼそとボカロの歌を作ってはニコ動にうpしてた人。ゲームネタ、デジ物とかも好みます。 sadowsky3.jpg
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