Un'Goro Crater

Williden's Journal [Level 50]:   - Un'Goro北部までおつかい

Step 1: Gadgetzan Water Survey [Level 46]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser
 Step 2: Noxious Lair Investigation [Level 47]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser - Tanaris中西部でハチの足集め
  Step 3: The Scrimshank Redemption [Level 48]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser - Tanaris南東部で探し物
   Step 4: Insect Part Analysis [Level 48]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser
    Step 5: Insect Part Analysis [Level 48]: Alchemist Pestlezugg
     Step6: Rise of the Silithid [Level 49]: Senior Surveyor Fizzledowser - Darkshore南部までおつかい
      Step7: March of the Silithid [Level 53]: 
       Step8: Bungle in the Jungle [Level 53]: Alchemist Pestlezugg - Gorishi(Un'Goro南部)からのCollect(Soilはそこらで見つかりそう?)
        Step 9: Pawn Captures Queen [Level 54]: Alchemist Pestlezugg - Un'Goro南部のゴリ女王の脳みそ
         Step 10: Calm Before the Storm [Level 54]: Alchemist Pestlezugg - Darnassusへおつかい
          Step 11: Calm Before the Storm [Level 54]: 

Roll the Bones [Level 51]: Spark Nilminer(Un'goro北部) - Un'Goro南西部で拾い物

Shizzle's Flyer [Level 51]: Shizzle(Un'goro北部) - 恐竜からウロコのCollect

Super Sticky [Level 54]: Tran'rek - Tar(Un'Goro北部)からCollect

Step 1: Muigin and Larion [Level 52]: Muigin(Un'goro北部) - Bloodpetal ~(Un'Goro北東部)からのCollect
 Step 2: A Visit to Gregan [Level 52]: Muigin(Un'goro北部) - Feralas北部までおつかい
  Step 3: Haze of Evil(Sunken Temple)  [Level 52]: Gregan Brewspewer(Feralas) - ST内でCollect
   Step 4: Bloodpetal Sprouts  [Level 53]: Muigin

Step 1: It's a Secret to Everybody [Level 52]: A Wrecked Raft(Un'Goro南東部)
 Step 2: It's a Secret to Everybody [Level 52]: A Small Pack(Un'Goro南東部) - Large Compass、Curled Map Parchment、Lion-headed Key(A Small Packに入ってる?)
  Step 3: It's a Secret to Everybody [Level 52]: Linken(Un'Goro北部) - Winterspling入口付近までおつかい
   Step 4: The Videre Elixir [Level 52]: Donova Snowden(Winterspling入口) - Gregan Brewspewer(Feralas FriendlyなGnollのとこ 45,11)まで
    Step 5: Meet at the Grave [Level 52]: Donova Snowden(Winterspling入口) - Tanarisの墓地までおつかい
     Step 6: A Grave Situation [Level 52]: Gaeriyan(Tanaris墓地) - 墓石へ剣を返す?
      Step 7: Linken's Sword [Level 52]: A Conspicuous Gravestone - Linken(Un'Goroまでおつかい)
       Step 8: A Gnome's Assistance [Level 52]: Linken - J.D. Collieを探せ(近くのCave?)
        Step 9: Linken's Memory [Level 54]: J.D. Collie - Eridan Bluewind(Felwood南部)を探せ
         Step 10: Silver Heart [Level 54]: Eridan Bluewind - Silvery Claws、Irontree Heartを取って来い
          Step 11: Aquementas [Level 54] Eridan Bluewind - 
           Step 12: Linken's Adventure [Level 54]: J.D. Collie - Linkenまでおつかい
            Step 13: It's Dangerous to Go Alone [Level 56]: Linken - Fire Plume Ridge, south of Marshal's Refuge.

Alien Ecology [Level 52]: Hol'anyee Marshal

Step 1: The Fare of Lar'korwi [Level 53]: Torwa Pathfinder - carcass of Lar'korwi's freshestを倒してPiece of Threshadon Carcassを取ってくる。
 Step 2: The Scent of Lar'korwi [Level 53]: Torwa Pathfinder - Ravasaur Pheromone Glandを2個持っていく
  Step 3: The Bait for Lar'korwi [Level 56]: Torwa Pathfinder -  Lar'korwiを呼び出して倒せ

Step 1: Chasing A-Me 01 [Level 53]: Karna Remtravel - A-Me 01を探せ
 Step 2: Chasing A-Me 01 [Level 53]: A-Me 01 - Mithril Casingを持って来て
  Step 3: Chasing A-Me 01 [Level 53]: A-Me 01 - A-Me 01をEscort

Expedition Salvation [Level 53]: Williden Marshal - Crate of FoodstuffsとResearch Equipmentを取ってくる

Step 1: Crystals of Power [Level 53]: J.D. Collie - Un'Goro全土に見られる4種の石集め
 Step 2: Making Sense of It [Level 53]: J.D. Collie(Un'Goro北部)

Step 1: Finding the Source [Level 55]: Krakle - Fire Plume Ridgeを探せ
 Step 2: The New Springs [Level 55]: Krakle - Winterspringまでおつかい
  Step 3: Strange Sources [Level 56]

Step 1: Lost! [Level 55]: Spraggle Frock -  Spraggle Frock(Un'Goro内おつかい) 
 Step 2: A Little Help From My Friends [Level 55]: Ringo - Escort 

Beware of Pterrordax [Level 55]: Beware of Pterrordax - Collect?

Step 1: The Apes of Un'Goro [Level 55]: Torwa Pathfinder - 3種の皮集め
 Step 2: The Mighty U'cha [Level 55]: Torwa Pathfinder - U'cha's Pelt取って来い

Volcanic Activity [Level 55]: Torwa Pathfinder - Un'Goro AshのCollect

Dadanga is Hungry! [Level 55]: Dadanga

※ 12/1修正。

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