Burning Crusade > Priests Spells and Talents Preview

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Priests Spells and Talents Preview

順当に行けばImp DSは必須Talentになりそう・・・Holy TreeのSpiritual Guidanceの弱体化版効果をDSに付与、つまり皆にその効果を付加できるという事でしょうから、DS取るなら外すべきではないでしょう。
Holyの9th Tier、Circle of RenewalはAE Healらしく、PvEだけでなくPvPでも間接的に活躍の頻度が高そうです・・・でもこれ、先述のImp DSを取るとこれを取れないという・・・。


Spellの方はMass DispelがPvPでかなりの効果を発揮しそうな。
Binding HealはPvP、PvEともに乱戦時にうまく使えればかなり良さそう。
Prayer of Mendingは先払いHeal? 面白そうです。
SW: DeathはいかにもShadowらしい・・・MindBlastの更に上を行く、これで止めを刺しそこなうと自分にも同じだけDmgが返ってくるという止め用Instant DD。

個人的にはShadow Specも気になるところですが、RaidやGroupでの行動がメインになることを考えるとやはりHoly / Discが本命かな・・・。


Priest Talent

Reduces the mana cost of your Dispel Magic, Cure Disease, Abolish Disease and Mass Dispel spells by (5/10/15)%
(Cure SpellのMana Cost削減)

Improved Divine Spirit
Your Divine Spirit and Prayer of Spirit spell also increase the target's spell damage and healing by an amount equal th (5/10)% of ther toral Spirit.
(Divine SpiritとPrayer of Spiritに、Spirit値の10%のSpell DamageとHeal効果を上乗せする作用を付加)

Focused Power
Your Smite and Mind Blast spells have an addtional (2/4)% chance to hit and cause (5/10)% additional damage against Dazed Targets.
(SmiteとMind Blastに、Daze中の相手に対して命中率とDmgを上乗せ)

Reflective Shield
Causes (10/20/30/40/50)% of the damage absorbed by your Power Word: Shield to reflect back at the attacker. This damage causes no threat.
(PW: Shieldに跳ね返しの能力を付加)

Your damage over time spells also cause the target to take an additional (1/2/3/4/5)% spell damage.

Pain Suppression
154mana / 3min cooldown / Instant cast
Reduces all damage taken by 60% for 8sec.

Blessed Resilence
Critical hits made against you have a (20/40/60)% chance to reduce the chance you'll be critically hit by 100% for 6sec.

Surge of Light
Your spell criticals have a (5/10/15/20/25)% chance to cause your next Smite spell to be instant cast, cost no mana but be incapable of a critical hit, This effect lasts 10 sec.
(SpellのCrit時に、発動後の次のSmiteをInstant Castにする可能性を付与。 ただしこれはMana Costが0でCritしない。 持続効果10秒)

Empowered Healing
Your Greater Heal spell gains an addtional (2/4/6/8/10)% and your Flash Heal gains an additonal (1/2/3/4/5)% of your bonus healing effects.
(Greater HealとFlash Healに効果の上乗せ)

Circle of Renewal
700mana / Instant cast / 40yards range
Heals target party member and other party members within 15 yards of the target foor 650 over 15 sec.
(15YardのAE Heal)

Trainable Ranks listed Below:
Rank 2: 785 Mana, 810 Healing
Rank 3: 850 Mana, 970 Healing
Rank 4: 920 Mana, 1232 Healing
Rank 5: 1035 Mana, 1448 Healing

Improved Shadow Weaving
Your Shadow Weaving effect also increases all non-shadow spell damage by an additional 1% per application.
(Shadow Weavingに非Shadow Spellへも1%の効果を付与)

Shadow Resilence
Reduces the chance you'll be critically hit by all spell by (2/4)%.
(被Spell Critを軽減)

Focused Mind
Reduces the mana cost of your Mind Blast, Mind Control, and Mind Flay spells by (3/6/9/12/15)%.
(Mind Blast、Mind Control、Mind FlayのMana Costを軽減)

Shadow Power
Increases the critical strike chance of your Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death spells by (3/6/9/12/15)%.
(Mind Blast、SW: DeathにCrit率Up)

Shadow Mend
285Mana / 1.5sec cast / 40 yard range
Heal the friendly target for 525.

Rank 2: 340 Mana, 675 Healing
Rank 3: 360 Mana, 750 Healing
Rank 4: 425 Mana, 900 Healing

Priest Spell

Mass Dispel - Rank 1
Requires Level 70
1181 Mana / 30 yd range / 1.5 sec cast
Dispels magic in a 15 yard radius, removing 1 harmful spell from each friendly target and 1 beneficial spell from each enemy target. Affects a maximum of 5 friendly targets and 5 enemy targets. This dispel is potent enough to remove Magic effects that are normally undispellable.
(15yard、 味方5人、敵5人までのAE Despel)

Binding Heal - Rank 1
Requires Level 64
1034 Mana / 40 yd range / 1.5 sec cast
Heals a friendly target and the caster for 1053 to 1350.

Prayer of Mending - Rank 1
Requires Level 68
976 Mana / 30 yd range / Instant cast
Places a spell on the target that heals them for 702 to 858 the next time they take damage. When the heal occurs, Prayer of Mending jumps to a nearby raid target. Jumps up to 5 times and lasts 1 min after each jump. This spell can only be placed on one target at a time.

Shadow Word: Death - Rank 1
Requires Level 62
243 Mana / 30 yd range / Instant cast / 6 sec cooldown
A word of dark binding that inflicts 450 to 522 Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.
(Instant CastのShadow DD。 これで相手を倒せなければ同等のDmgを被る)

Shadow Word: Death - Rank 2
Requires Level 70
309 Mana / 30 yd range / Instant cast / 6 sec cooldown
A word of dark binding that inflicts 572 to 664 Shadow damage to the target. If the target is not killed by Shadow Word: Death, the caster takes damage equal to the damage inflicted upon the target.

Shades of Darkness - Rank 1
Requires Level 66
446 Mana / 30 yd range / Instant cast5 min cooldown
Summons 3 shades to attack the enemy target for 8 sec.